瑜伽褲|林芊妤穿瑜伽褲拜山惹爭議 必知四大選購貼士買秋冬新款藝人林芊妤(Coffee)在社交平台上載重陽節穿着瑜伽褲拜山的相片,引發熱烈討論。近季各種類型的緊身褲都成為女士配襯休閒造型的熱門選擇,不少女星私底下都喜以緊身褲做動或配襯休閒造型,當中尤以瑜伽褲備受歡迎。隨着秋冬新品登場,女士若正物色新瑜伽褲,不妨可以留意以下四點,有助凸...
運動服|本地品牌貼心設計 亮色運動服出女性美| 瑜珈服 香港運動服|本地品牌貼心設計 亮色運動服出女性美 瑜伽、負重訓練或健身等一直是受歡迎運動,連帶配合這些運動的服飾設計也愈來愈講究,縱然歐美、日本及韓國的出品向來都是熱門之選,但其實本地品牌也有內外兼備的出色作品,更得到多位人氣女星的加持,售價亦大眾化,可為新季度帶來更多元化的選...
Working Mom專訪│因網課與女兒起衝突 運動品牌創辦人 1方法化解親子危機育有兩名女兒(分別為10歲及5歲)的Flora,2014年與表姊Jacqueline一同創立運動服飾品牌Gourami,除了是延展家族生意,也考慮到營運自家品牌可更靈活安排工作,較容易平衡事業與家庭,對working mom 來說,創業確實是一個很吸引的選項。...
室內運動裝備|品牌服飾折上折 趁減價掃平貨Tropical Aloha圖案Bra Top/$349,現凡於Gourami購物買滿$500,即可免費獲贈Tote Bag乙個。(Gourami) 想做運動,但怕曬又怕熱?在室內冷氣場所做體能訓練、健身或瑜伽就最適合不過。不少運動服飾品牌現推出各式購物優惠,當中正有針對室...
How to do Chaturanga – Four Limbed Staff Yoga Pose / 如何練習鱷魚式 - 四柱式瑜伽體式Move with Gourami x Katherine Lee (@katherineleeyoga) Chaturanga (chah-tuur-ANGH-uh), essentially a low plank or a yoga push up, is great...
15 Minute Daily Yoga Routine for Beginners - Relax & Stretch / 15分鐘初級瑜伽 - 減壓拉筋Move with Gourami x Grace Tse (@missgraceyoga) Yoga has many benefits for the body, it can reduce stress and anxiety, relieve fatigue,...
1分鐘簡易瘦身操 – 堅持30天瘦身挑戰 | 1 Minute Easy Workout – 30 Days ChallengeMove with Gourami x Jo Cheung (@aerial.jo) Exercise is a great way to make you not only look but feel better. The hardest part about...
下半身拉筋: 骨盆矯正 , 修出下身線條//無需器材 - Lower Body Stretches : Hips, Groin, Lower Back , Inner Thighs Stretch (English version) (中文版) Move with Gourami x Amanda Cheng (@mandarkc) Follow Amanda to stretch out lower body! You can also simply...
30 minutes Yoga | Tension Release Full Body Stretch (All Levels)瑜伽伸展 | 30分鐘全身減壓放鬆 (適合任何程度)Move with Gourami x Ivy Yeung (@_ivyyeung) This 30-min yoga sequence focuses on stretch and twist that helps release tension from the...
Vinyasa Inside Flow Yoga Dance | Full Body Stretch // 輕鬆流動瑜伽 | 全身伸展Move with Gourami x Cherrie Leung (@chercherrie) Sing with your body. Vinyasa, also called “flow” because of the smooth way that the...