夏日泳衣|4大品牌新重點修飾身段 泳衣細節突圍|Swimsuit|swimwear|香港泳衣|泳衣香港夏天到泳池、海灘或水上樂園暢泳,又或是遊船河,泳衣都是必備。新登場的款式選擇豐富,當中配合Cut Out、荷葉邊及高衩等的設計最受歡迎,帶來修飾身段之效,性感得來又別具個性。 高衩Cut Out設計 視綫聚焦 若果剪裁細節恰到好處,一件式泳衣也可穿出玲瓏身段,早前蔡卓妍(阿...
Best swimsuits in Hong Kong for fun in the sun and sea! | Expat LivingGourami was founded by two cousins who love to travel the world. They offer a fun, fashion-forward and also innovative range of swimsuits...
Best shops for swimwear in Hong Kong 2024For those looking for something a little more practical without sacrificing style, Gourami is a solid choice. Boasting an impressive...
下半身拉筋: 骨盆矯正 , 修出下身線條//無需器材 - Lower Body Stretches : Hips, Groin, Lower Back , Inner Thighs Stretch (English version) (中文版) Move with Gourami x Amanda Cheng (@mandarkc) Follow Amanda to stretch out lower body! You can also simply...